Anybody ever use one of these intakes? Weiand #7510

I was just thinking that with the longer arm in the stroker that it would come on sooner than it did with the shorter arm in the 340 -- But if I understand how this works(very good chance I dont but I'm learning, I know a cpl ppl that do that are patient with my ideas and questions but I never ask direct questions just directions on where to look for things and they humor it lol) the single plane works when the rpm is enough for there to be enough velocity for it to be effecient so wouldnt the stroker reach this point at a lower rpm because of it moving more air per rpm than a smaller motor, and that more air going through the same size port (intake manifold) would compress it and speed it up? And wouldnt it be done earlier too if nothing else was changed? I know the camshaft would have alot to do with it to ---

Minus the word compress and your on target. You seem to understand what's going on pretty well.