Help, Help, Help

I have not slept a wink, I have been thinking of all my options on how to get it done. Should have slept under the car...LoL. I Really appreciate any and all comments on this one. It just seems that when I look from underneath the car, and I try to eliminate barriers to remove the box, something else would need disassembling. I have been told to raise the driver side of the motor.

Now I am advised to raise the entire motor, which I will do if I have to do it. I am off for a few days so I can concentrate on this and get it done. I refuse to give up, and cannot afford to farm this one out.
Also been looking in my manual and no section on how to remove the steering column

as always Thank you guys for any and all advice. anyone live around the corner and care to help? lol

Ron aka "stumped"