Need carb and/or timing help

Thanks guys.

Well, I decided earlier to go ahead and pull the carb top off and check the bowls etc.

The primary jets were hard to read but I think they were the correct ones....numbers were hard to read.... the carb is using the out-of-the-box jetting (.113) and rod (071x047). I swapped out the jets for the other set I have just in case.

Was hoping to maybe find bowls full of dirt, crap or something.

No such luck.....a little dirt in the very bottom but nothing crazy.

What I did find was that the floats were way off. The drop is supposed to be 15/16" to 1" and they were at like 1 1/2". The rise was off too...way off.....SO I set the rise at 7/16" and that brought the drop into spec.

Put the orange springs back in and bolted everything back up.

Checked the flow from the fuel pump while it was off...seemed strong enough....

ALso set the accelerator pump to the first hole (lowest setting) instead of the highest......the off-idle bog seems to be almost gone.....

The idle is still lumpyt and the engine still gives a strange shake now and then......but I am pretty much able to keep the engine idling in drive (so far)......its very low idle, about 400-500 rpm......If I set it any higherm, then it is too high in neutral...

Took the car out for a spin and the off-idle power is still bad......not bogging this time....more like just no power....but if I baby it off idle and get it to midrange and up it goes pretty good! Also doesnt seem to vibrate quite as much as it did.

I have been all over it looking for leaks.....there are only a few vacuum ports on the carb:

-- pcv valve, and that hose is ok.
-- hose to distributor, and that is new
-- manifold vacuum prot is capped off (even replaced the cap to be sure)
-- rear brake vacuum port is plugged.

I have sprayed brake cleaner and carb cleaner around the manifold mounting areas and along the carb base, etc....NOTHING.

The advance is stoxk as it is a reman stock distributor.

I very well might have a cam in this thing and that could explain the rough idle.....I have been wondering if, as ramcharger suggested, I have a cam or if what is in there is a tooth off....guess the only way to find THAT out is rip the front of the motor apart and look for the timing marks, right?

Crackedback, will try your suggestions......I did look at vacuum when I was setting timing this last time...didnt seem like changing timing did much.....?? Only way to get more vacuum was to bump up the throttle speed.....

Someone suggested that because of my low vacuum I need to plug the air bleeds for the idle circuit and that will bring my idle back....

Anyone have a picture of where these would be on a Edelbrock 1407?