Blew it up... GRRRRR!!!!!

Actually, if the heads are bought from a shop that knows what they're doing, they will never be installed "OOTB". Usually, the guides are too tight, and the mass production on the seats means some heads are perfect but most are not in terms of concentricity and SEAT DEPTH. The seat depth is the valve job, and that is what determines the geometry on a shaft rocekr system. Roller rockers, with their smaller contact patch will show issues before stock stuff. I'm not saying this is THE reason for your issues, but if there was a problem with one rocker design on a shaft type system, theres a very strong chance there is a problem with all of them. Other issues Ive seen personally are deck surfaces too rough for MLS gaskets (Edelbrock says they are smooth enough... but they dont always test that way), missing valve seals, and once a spring with no dampner. Correcting these issues costs me up to $400, but IMO it's well worth it.