Chrome Painted Fiberglass Bumpers!!

This stuff is very touchy!! It took me a while to perfect their instructions. They have since revised them. The first time i used it it was a flop! I sprayed it to heavy and it looked aluminum paint. The trick is to mist it on at about 8 to 10 inches away from the surface while moving at a moderate pace. Less is better. Main thing is to get an even pattern/coat so you hide the black and it will look great. I also found that if you let it dry 24 hours before you top coat it with the clearcoat it will enhance the depth. I have not cleared these bumpers yet. Again the slicker the surface the better it will turn out. I would say when they are completed that they are 90% reflectivity of traditional chrome plating. If you try to use this on steel bumpers you will need to sand old chrome with 180 D.A. and then a light coat of acid etch then prime-block-seal-base-clear-wetsand-buff-then chrome-reclear-wetsand then buff. It is impressive but daunting at the begining. Patience is key!! Don't rush through it! This stuff is too expensive to screw up. I did, but i got it down now! I am going to restore my instrument cluster housing and installing WhitefaceGauges vinyl kit with the blue LED's. Will post pics of this too! I know rechroming has got expensive but I didn't think it would cost 700 for bumpers. I had my front bumper from my 65 Galaxie straightened and rechromed for $85 about ten years ago at a place hear in Houston called DC Bumper.