Commentary on Mopar XHD springs.

Just to add my own 2cents about leafs ...

Back in about 1990 I purchaced a set from Year1 - 340 HD set. They told me who actually formed them (their source), though I can't remember who it was I seem to recall is was some company in the Detroit area, not that it matters now. I still have these on my car and like the way they sit (surprisingly after almost 20 years that aspect of them has not changed much at all and they are very stock looking (see my garage or whatever for pix). My one bone to pick with them is that they open and tend to loose some of the plastic "quieters" (whatever you call them), because the binder straps are not all that tight.

I bought another set for my no-longer-owned '75 Dart Sport that were not even supposedly HD 340 - If I recall, and I am pretty sure about it - they have 1 fewer leaves on each side. Yet they always rode higher than the 340 car for all the years I'd owned them and felt just about as firm. The quality was better too and never had that problem with the bindings loosening and such. I bought that set at an Englishtown swap meet back about 10 years ago.

So my point is, the number of leaves, the arch, and the company all make a big difference. If you can, get them in person where you see them before you pay.