Cool video of me blowing stuff up this morning!!

Hey guys my chain of command googled the video and found this site so I had to remove the list of what we found. Apparently it was a big deal it made it to a Generals desk. And yes I have quite a bit of training the school is almost a year long with an 80% failure rate. We are really unknown to the public, most people don't know we exist until they need us. It is also very rewarding. It is not very clear in that video but the explosion happened about 30 feet from the front of the Armory and around 150 from the front of all the stores on main street. And I will tell ya that was alot of exposed glass. With the way we set it up there was absolutely no damage of any kind to any property or person. It was a text book execution. I am really proud to be a part of that, I take great pride in what I do. When I can go out and protect life, limb, and property my goal has been met and I can sleep well that night. With this video I was hoping you guys could get a small glimpse of what YOUR Army is doing on the home front as well as overseas.