The beast!

So today I got out of bed,loaded up on painkillers and a stimulant called alertec. I did it because I had a heavy day planned. I have been spending a couple hours here and there lately pre prepping my donor car for the engine pull.

I simplly cant do it all at once. I had it down to 2 tranny x member bolts,2 engine mount bolts,the throttle and cruise cables,and the alternator wiring.

So I headed up to my buddy Jims place to finish her off.

Heres the donor car. Its perched about 4 feet from the edge of a steep bank and on very rough and uneven round.

One thing I did for extra clearance was to cut out the rad support. Good thing too. It never would have come out otherwise.

We laid down a 1 1/4 layer of plywood and shimmed it up for good support

The hoist just reached!

Heres my buddies Jim and Mike. Cant thank them enough for helping out. Was THE most difficult engine pull I'd ever done,due to the tendancy for the hoist and motor to want to go down the bank..

Heres me.

After hours of screwing around and fighting she came out.

And home she goes in the back of Jims truck! Mine was full of parts and tools.

Here it is behind my son Nic and sitting on wood blocks beside the Dart. He thinks it's pretty cool!

And my lovely Daughter Olivia ,who is quite bored by cars,is very happy her Daddy came home.

I also picked up a set of aluminum rims today.They have a big bolt pattern and are a 14 inch rim. Not sure what they are but I liked them,so they came home. They remind me of weld wheels.Any idea what they are? Should work nicely for my big bolt conversion.