Boy is the economy sucking bad!!

Came to realize today that I am just not making enough money to keep doing the car thing and stay in my house at the same time. So I am asking what you think my 1963 Dodge Dart 170 4 door with a slant 6 904 may be worth to sell. You can see pictures of it in my gallery. Electric company came today to turn my power off so I had to pay that just to keep the lights on. Water company was here 2 weeks ago to do the same thing with my water. Just sucks that I never seem to have the money for bills so something has to change and I think it will have to be to sell the dart to catch up on bills. I have been using credit cards to pay bills and now they are maxed out and can't pay them either. No one's fault but it sucks. So give me what you think my car is worth so I can post it locally for sale. I'm hoping to get at least $2000 out of it which about half of what I have in it but having it and driving it don't pay any bills. I am done with my rant and I thank you for your time.