1975 snake pit duster.

welll, lets start off, i am 15, a frequent quader, and a a-body freak!8)
the story starts

one day, i was at my neighbors, for a cup of coffee, when my neighbor started talking about a yellow car he found a while back, he found it on a little quad trip, so my curiousity takes me out to see this car, not that easy.. it's on a side trail, which is incredibly hard to find, if you're looking for it, thats one full day gone, the day after i finally find the trail, which leads me down another trail, to this yellow, 1975 duster :) i start freaking out, because i love dusters, and it's like my dads, and i look up to him so much, so im freaking out, making all these plans for this duster, then it hits me :stop:, how to get it out. GREAT! i figured that i would pull it out with my honda 300. didnt work, we tried a 350, didnt work, and on august 3rd we are trying a 300 and a 350. but, anyways. that is the story of how i found my first car, first project, first mopar, and my first a-body.

the bad things are, that its very rusty, no engine or transmission, drum brakes, manual steering, and it is sunk in soft dirt, http://s686.photobucket.com/albums/vv229/bayyum/ if you have any idea's of how we should get it out, help would be appreciated

ask questions. please !