Calling all laptop computer techs

I for one own a Dell. My desktop has worked great since 2002. My new laptop I bought in October had some problems, but I did pay for a 2 year warranty on hardware. They tried multiple times over the phone to fix it, but then decided that sending a tech out to fix it was the best solution. THe guy came out, and 45 minutes later, I had a perfectly running laptop. Yes, they were refurbished parts, but think about it,.....

My motherboard may have had a glitch, but if only a portion is bad they will carefully diagnose it, fix it and package it for another person. Brand new obviously is not better. I look at it that you get a more careful lookover by a tech on a refurbished part, and they may find little things that the mass production didn't do just right.

Either way, the tech support was great and I am happy that I paid for that warranty. It came with a year and I opted for a year beyond that.