eBay 101... instructions to bid intelligently (with humor attached)

lol yeah thats all some funny stuff i haven't done much on ebay but that is actually how i got my swinger only about 2 weeks ago i won it ... a 1971 dodge dart swinger for $861 the only issues is it has no engine ( taken care of i have a 318 and a 904 tranny sitting in my garage going in tomorrow.) it has no windhield and no interior but i am taking it all from my 4 door yay.... well i got a good deal but i have had the bad experience on ebay i mean seriously a rim blow steering wheel going for $900 when you can get them at specialty shops for $175 where i live and then like a swinger emlem .... one single emblem that has pitted chrome going for like $40.. i swear some of the stuff on there is ridiculous but your thesis on ebay is awesome racedodge keep up the good work lol