eBay 101... instructions to bid intelligently (with humor attached)

Some of my thoughts:

1)Do not let your johnson do your thinking for you.This is when you get all hot and horny over a item and will pay just about any thing,as a seller you love these people,as a person on a budget looking for a deal,you just blew the whole budget.
2)Never bid on a item until you have researched the item for new cost,rebuilding cost,or if you do it your self using your own services and labour plus shipping expenses.
3)Do as many emails to the person with the item involved and get their real email address,and get as many details on the item and pics that you can,then use rule NO.2.
4)If the deal does not go through,no one wins,you can email the seller to do a side deal from rule NO.3.
5) see if the bidder is willing to trade for items they might need,most of the time its no,but in some cases you can do a deal.
6)if the item is within driving distance will they drop the shipping cost?
7)will the seller work with you to ship cross border,and help with customs.As a canuck,I have found the ways around this and save big time.And its legal.
