Hello from Orange County, Ca

Sorry but if I would have had that car at his age I would have never made it to the ripe old age of 39.LOL Very nice looking car...Jim

Aha..! But there was method to my madness, Jim..

The boy was going to get a car for School because we live about 7 Miles from the School and Mom and I both worked..So, it was either a Jap 4 cyl Tin Can or an American Muscle Car. And my wife and I Knew that whatever car he'd get, he'd race. After all, he's a Teenage boy and that's what teenage boys do...

So, with that in mind, there was no way I was gonna let him have a 2000 Lbs, DOHC, Turbo'd 200HP Japanese 'Fast and Furious' Fart-Can Mobile..

< Not a month goes by that we don't see in the News about some teens that were road racing those Jap Cars down some Residential Tracts at 130 and how they lost it "Drifting" around a turn...No Thanx. >

OTOH, this Day-Glo Orange pumpkin is a total Cop Magnet. It has dual Flowmasters, so it also sounds as LOUD as it looks..

No way was the boy going to be messing around too much, because the Police would know in a minute who was what...

And on the outside chance that he did get a wild hair up his arse, it would be for a very short period of time, in a Straight Line.

Also, with the price of fuel where it was, the Dart had a self-limiting travel radius of about 20 Miles.

No Road-Trips for the boy in That car, not even if his Buds kicked in with Gas Money...:-D

Bottom line, my son graduated High School with not a single trafic ticket or any car-generated hooliganism of any sort, so I tend to think that "the method" worked well enough...8)

BTW, back when I was in High School in the early to mid '70s, I had a 1967 Camaro SS, 4-Speed, 4.11 Posi. And Yes, I did get in trouble a few times, but those were different times, if ya know what I mean..