aggressive stance

I would like to change the shocks and springs, the car is sagging in the rear, and the shocks in the front are cracking. Where is the spring in the front? I don't understand, is the spring contained in the shock? Anywho, how can I improve it's stance, I want the rear up a little bit to make it look a lil meaner.

I wanted to do the same since my '74 Swinger kind of looked like grandma's car when I bought it last year.

On my front, you can lower counter- or raise clockwise with the torsion adjusting bolt. Basically you can bounce the front hard a few times to settle it, measure both sides, raise or lower, bounce again, measure, until both sides measure the same and you get to desired height. Here's some pics of it.

To raise the rear, espo seems like a safe affordable bet if you want to do it yourself like abodyjoe said, I called them the other day and between $2-300 for a pair of leafsprings for my car. But you have to know where your car sat stock, and how much you want it raised from that, to order the new springs. Not from where they are sagging now.

I may let my mechanic do the rear for $300 since he has a lift and everything, haven't decided for sure yet. If I do it myself I will go with espo.

Here's a video that might help, except you should support the axle, not let it drop down like he does. And maybe let the bolts soak in PB Blaster a while so you don't have to bash them loose so much.


One more thing, all I've read says don't try to use air shocks to raise it, they aren't meant to support the weight of the car and can cause some major damage.