The beast!

Well, I think I'll keep this thread going for a bit.

Today I threw the LY rods in the solvent tank for a soak.
I also picked up an oil pan at the greyhound station (THanks chrisf!!). Chris was good enough to glass bead the pan before shipping it to me. It looked good enough to paint when I got it,so here it is!

It's a stock 187 BB pan for my conversion. I was desperate to get a coat of paint on it before it rusted. Can after can turned up empty or dried out when I spied a little can of aluminum. It was already thinned for spraying,so the pan got 2 coats of aluminum paint.

I like it!

Those are the stainless brake pistons in the background.

Im also considering painting the inside,but I dont think theres much point. Everything that effects drainback I WILL paint or smooth.