340 tunnel ram

With respect to everyone's idea's..... If a tunnel ram were better, why doesn't everyone have one?

i can only see three reasons

1 it takes a good motor that can and will be able to use it, not a stock -75 318.. it needs to be built to take advantage of it

2 the law, yep the law around here doesnt realy like the fact that someone can get hurt by some kind of sharp edges and stuff if you run into them with your car (WTF)

3 way to many people that have never tried one that says they dont work because there uncles litlebrothers wifes exhusbands grandfathers friend from highschools teachers said it didnt work on his motor (back to point 1 the 75 318 being all stock)

ok 4 it does cost more money but hey where playing with cars and thats gonna cost nomather what

reason i wont use mine for now is that i have a lysholm twinscrew blower just waiting for my shortblock to be done :)