What went wrong??

The car companies should roll out a "vintage version" of whatever make, model.
The cars would be made as per each was back in the day except with disk brakes. (No computers or injection etc..you know, electric nothing!)
The customers who ordered would have to pay a little extra to go around EPA, etc, and sign a release of liability to manufacturer for not including air bags!
With all the crap on the cars today, people get the isolated, air bagged, double strapped in, SAFE feeling they can drive like idiots and not get hurt! The only reason we need that crap is because the cars are made of plastic today with a little steel foil thrown in, and won't hold up in an accident.
Anyway, if we could make them & sell them, how many jobs would be brought back to build them. Remember, we wouldn't be able to export (so the f what!) and the insurance would probibly cost more.
They could still charge big bucks but the cars would be cheaper to build (less parts than now), and would be easier to work on.
Thoughts? I know, dream on.............................................................