What went wrong??

It seems my father once told me at the surrender of the Japanese on the deck of a carrier the CO for the japanese said "The next time we will take America from within". Sounds like it's a done deal. How about wage to cost ratios. Back in 1969 i was a first period apprentice in the carpenters union local 1453 in Huntington Beach, Calif and my wage was $3.41 an hr. (journeymen $12 hr) and a 70 model Road Runner was between $3500 and $4000. Now a performance car of today, lets say a Charger/Challenger cost about $27000 for a 6 banger and will cost ya $34000 for a V8. So if the ratio remained the same or close then an apprentice of today should be making about $27-$34 per hr. (journeyman $100-$120 per hr).Not happening. Whats wrong with this picture?
Small Block

You nailed it there Small Block. It just doesn't add up.:dontknow: