What went wrong??

So many things went wrong I wouldn't know where to begin. One of the HUGE problems is that 64dart170 brought up is that people don't care about driving. Your average Joe wants to get in and mash the pedal while doing everything in the car BUT drive. Go smash your brand new sedan into a pole and you'll be safe......WHY DON'T WE PUNISH THE IDIOT FOR DRIVING LIKE A SACK?....No longer does the driver of a car feel anything behind the wheel. For craps sake some of the cars are so damn quiet that the driver can't hear an emergency vehicle until it's in the rear seat.
One of the reasons that the CAFE standards are so hard to meat is that you can't get a 5000lb car to get 50MPG because of the safety features.
I was watching a car and driver episode on Speed that featured the all new volkswagon GTI. I almost fell down when they said the car weighed in at 3200-3300 lbs ( http://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/car/09q2/2010_volkswagen_gti-second_drive )
WTF? I got to thinking that it must be all of that safety crap that makes a 2 door hatchback weigh the same as a 2-door a-body, or maybe it's the cup holders or dvd player or GPS nav or power lift gate or air bags or blah blah blah....DAMNIT I'M PISSED NOW.....If I'm on the cell phone and I smash MY car into a tree and die, it's my own damn fault. Why do people expect to be saved from there own stupidity? OK I feel better now :)
It kind of weirded me out yesterday. ABodyBetty and I use our Darts as daily drivers (long broke story) anyway, currently unemployed so I volunteered time for where she works (Head Sart Teacher) and we had to go to several towns in our local area to prep classrooms for painting. She drove our 64 to work and came back later to pick me up in one of the "company" cars, newer Chebby Impalla, I got in and immediately rolled down my window and shut off the AC. LOL...
As we were pulling away I told her about the brake noise in the front pass wheel I was hearing. We didn't even go a mile and I turned off the radio. She asked what was I doing, I told her that it was irratating me. We both kinda looked at each other for a moment, and I told her when I drive or ride I like to hear the car to get a warning if something is about to go wrong. She laughed and said it was that I was so used to driving with no radio, AC, power stuff and that I hate change so much that I couldn't even ride in a newer car without shutting everything off!!! LOL!!
I tell you the truth by the time she dropped me off, I told her I had to go in and shower all the new Chebby Chit off me and I was going in to get her a change of clothes to put on before she got into my 64 to come home! LOL!!
I didn't want my "Baby" catching anything that car had!! COODIES YUk!!!
The comment was made though that all the different people driving the Co. car never noticed the brake noise!:-D