Calling all laptop computer techs

My son and I both have HP laptops - he has the Pav DV6700 series and I have the HDX 16. I've been really happy with both, and I did get the extended warranty on both machines. I also have an older Dell 1100, the laptop known as the leg burner, so I was concerned about heat issues. the DV only seems to run a little hot when he's playing graphic intense games, and my HDX seems well vented and hasn't given me any issues.

As for my old Dell with the bad rep for overheating, when I first got it (used) I cleaned the fan and vents, then flashed the bios with an update that corrected the fan settings, and installed a program that let me set the fan controls manually. It still runs great, and although it does run hotter than our HP's, I've never had any overheating issues with it.

Both of us and my wife use vented stands I bought from Staples and the vented design really seems to help the airflow. I will add that the Acer mini notebook my wife has really impressed me for what it is. Other than the small size and lack of CD/DVD it really performs great, and for what she uses it for, the $249 I paid for it was money well spent.