Hello from Ozcuda

Longgone said
Hello Oz and welcome, doesn`t one of your mates have a yellow `68 Barracuda? I thought I saw a post of yours on another welcome wagon.Your steering wheel is on the left too!I thought you guys drove on the right side, isn`t that hard to get use to?Are there any vision issues with that?Driving a left hand car in a right hand world?

Sorry don't know who your talking about with the yellow 68. And yes I have joined a few forums this were most of us Aussie Chrysler guy's & girls hang out http://www.hemi6pack.com/forum/index.php? I have also joined the EVBC forum and you'll find me in there chatroom most weeks. And yes we do drive right hand drive down here but we can registar LHD cars that are 30 or more years old. The hardest part about driving LHD here is when you need to overtake and you can't see around the vehicle infront.