67 barracuda from cali to n.y came today

Sounds like the syncros then. http://www.drivetrain.com/parts_cat..._new_process_overhaul_kit.html#SyncroRingKits

Also see exploded view: http://www.tbtrans.com/19a20600.jpg

It was many years ago that I did one of these. Not too bad hardest part was getting everything back in the case. As I recall I used a lot of grease to hold the gears in place and at one point I had to get a 3/4" brass round stock to hold one of the clusters together and then slide the shaft in as the round stock slid out. If you can find an old Chilton's manual they have instructions. Of you could always go to a Tremic 5 or 6 speed . . . = $$$$$$.

Nice ride.