wish i had never mentioned fabo calendar

Can we have a calender with no monday's???I took my girl to see the firework's in the duster,we both sat on the car and lounged back against the window..no dent's..hmmmm wonder how that happens??when I take my dawg places and dont want her to run off I stick her on the roof of the waggin.I had a few people freak out about it but I casually told em it's her playpen on wheel's.I haven't seen what's left of the calender thread .........yet,but why be stuck with 12 pic's? we have enough members here to put a pic for everyday of the year and then some,anybody wan't to submit a pic with them in it should be all good,send a release.pic with your squids in the car or helpin ya work on the car should be good too,I'd consider pic's with the yungins in it tasteful and would show the family atmosphere of f.a.b.o.there are so many aspect's of the people here at f.a.b.o.that are very tasteful and just show the comraderie and family tightness we have here....yes I have seen a few tasteless thing's posted and as far as that goes the only thing word wise I have seen was the f word or g-d in a normal thread,on the other hand my favorite thread by scamp 360 has the f word every sentence but it was placed in the proper forum,and evereytime I do plumbing I think of it LoL.i'll go check what's left of the calender thread and make sure I didn't install my foot in my mouth now :cheers: seriously,just keep it tastful for all ages and genders and it should be a hit!!! maybe a joke on each page at the bottom,maybe a page with pic's of members at candid moment's,maybe throw in a page with some of the threads that show the good in life that will touch anyone's heart...we have all of that here.....all of that!!!