wish i had never mentioned fabo calendar

Every month does not have to have a pretty lady and a car as the feature does it? When you get all of the pictures together, simply choose the best ones for the idea that you are trying to get accross. Choose the pictures on merit alone. If a pretty lady is proud of her car or her husbands car or whatever, she should feel free to pose with it, on it or whatever. If it's the best of the bunch it'll be the feature, if not it won't. Just keep it tasteful and professional and your chances are good that it might get picked. I personally thought that a feature car every month is a good idea, surrounded by other cars of that same model in various stages of restoration was a good idea. Or maybe the feature car surrounded by pics of the progress it took to get it to the feature car stage. I know my wife would pose with her car willingly, she is very proud of it and she's a pretty girl. Nella too, she's always willing to pose with "sunfish" for a picture or 2. Just keep it tasteful and professional, even if it is just a little over the line!! Geof and Nella