The Dart got hit!!!

There are already too many sue happy retards in this country that will file a claim because I looked at them cross eyed or made them cry because they got all butt hurt over being put in their place. I just want what is fair so I can fix my damn car and if I have enough left over for some parts for the 48 or a little towards the 57 wagon I want down in San Fran then that would be cool too.

That would be fair.

The main problem right now is that I keep thinking about what I would have done to that douche waffle if Nikki hadn't stepped between us. I haven't been in a real good fight in a little while. Am I the only one that thinks that getting punched in the face every once in a while is good for you weather you win or loose the fight? :angry7:

Agreed, a punch in the face is a good thing now and then, win or lose. I used to do the bar fight thing.....Last time around I almost killed the jag-off, spent a little time, that was when I was 37, I'm 43 now......and know better I think. Problem is their is no such thing as a fair street fight and I've gained enough knowledge over the years to....a...hurt an adversary. I'm sure you've learned too. I've lost a few and won a few, but it was never like the movies and blood was spilt everywhere. I never felt great winning later in my years, just bad for loosing my cool. Still beats loosing though, lol! My knuckles are scarred and collapsed bad. Edit: Forgot to mention that I also have a permanently bruised eye socket.

Anyway, Nikki saved you from a court battle at least and hard time at worst. She's a good woman.

Oh yeah, at least your old mans car didn't have a 80's "Heartbeat" graphic. I always hated that ****.

