Overheard at a car show

We've all heard the stories. The guys that says,"I had one just like it and I NEVER EVER got beat. Then he goes on to tell you all about how he beat the **** out of it and went off road with it and "still" it was the fastest car in his town. Then how he had to trade it in on a 4X4 that was 'THE FASTEST ONE EVER BUILT EVER!!!!. Then there is the person who is a car restorer afficiando expertsimo personifide who doesn't have a car at the car show, but magically seems to know right down to the last most infinite little detail about YOUR particular car and will tell you that this or that didn't come that way from the factory or that you used the wrong seal or gasket around a tailight or that the factory never made them as straight as yours is. So when you ask him "what did he bring to the show" you get a "uh, well I don't have a car here, but I got a factory original HEMI DART at home in the garage that I don't dare to take out. Yeah right!

I guess they make the car shows for us guys who do the homework and know the craft, lots of fun because like was said earlier, we can put our knowhow up against their so called wisdom and see who walks away with their tail between their legs or who smiles and says...show me yours and we'll see who's got what! Or sometimes it's fun to just set the hook and play along.