Overheard at a car show

I was just thinking to myself how out of touch I am on certain subjects but yet wouldn't DREAM of spinning a tale. Like standing in a sports bar explaining how Micheal Jordan is a great goalie....

To me this is what makes car shows fun. Listening to all these people who don't have a clue..... but try to fit in.

All in fun, I am clueless to the minor headlines in sports, and only know what I overhear on the broadcast news. Little interest in Pro sports especially. I love to jam players and teams into opposites, like Jordan playing for the Phillies, or when is the baseball Superbowl this year, etc, just to see the shocked expressions on the "HUGE SPORTS FANS" I am chatting with.

Tolerance of ignorance is about the only thing you can say about many of the people of the Earth. They walk among us...