Josh barnett you A- HOLE

Brock was an amateur wrestler before he ever went to WWE he has alot of credibility when it comes to fighting imo seeing as he's a former NCAA champion. His training is intense and anyone who calls his size to be caused by roid's should see his training. The guy runs with a friggan tree thats about 2 feet in diameter and like 10 feet long on his shoulder. And for miles. you tell me who can manhandle a tree like that and not be huge.

I'm not saying hes on roids but no man on earth should get a UFC title shot after a 2-1 record especially after loosing one out of two fights in the UFC. Its not right. He only wins because of his size. The weight limit should be cut down a little. He cuts weight down to 265 at weigh ins but at fight time he is back up to over 295. All the other fighters don't cut weight and fight at the weight they weighed in at. Its not a fight as much as a I can lay on you and throw some retarded hammer punches. He cant even throw a punch right, he looks like a gorilla trying to get a banana out of a peal.