Cash for clunkers, what a waste.

I work in the Auto Industry, and i cant understand something.

Would people really rather have a $300-400 a month car payment, than pay $150-$200 or so a month in gas?

Not me. My Explorer is paid for. 4.0 SOHC. Gets say 15 mpg, 21 gallon tank, about $45-50 to fill it up, maybe 2 times a month.

So, $150-200 a month in gas, depending how much we drive. My wife works 10 miles from home.

Are people doing the math on this. Would they really rather have a car payment and a depreciated car the minute they drive off the lot, rather than putting up with the gas bill and a few repairs a month maybe.

Sigh, just my rant, i aint drinking the kool aid.