Cash for clunkers, what a waste.

I wasn't alive in the 70's. So I had no opinion on them. Some of these Mom and Pop car dealers need to go. In most cases, they are pretty crooked. Not all, but most. I agreed that it is sad, but it is also giving lots of other people work, what about all the salvage yards? They are ruining the drive trains and still parting the rest of the car. So the only parts that really are getting lost is the engine and trans. The body has to be crushed, but it's only the hulk. Some collectable cars get lost every day. Sitting rotting in a field, or filming another movie, or.... I agree that there are better ways to do things and that the Oboma admin kind of suck. I hear they want to limit people to three children now, not neccesarly a bad thing. But they are taking away our freedom. They are spending money on things like CARS that could be spent on better things. But the way I see it. People are going to ***** about, but nobody is going to do anything about it. So I am just going to sit back and enjoy my little bit of extra job security wile this CARS thing is going on.

Sorry if that comes of selfish, it's not intended to be that way.