Cash For Clunkers

The gov't cant get a dime without taking it from someone else first and that means we get to pay for every program whether we want it or not. I would rather be able to keep more of the money I make and decide how I GET TO SPEND IT!! I'm glad to hear so many of you guys are on to this BS!!! Not that I'm Joe finance or better than anyone, but it still makes me feel good I'm not alone in my thinking.

Many people still seem to be crying out for socialism based on the increse in gov't spending. I live in CA and we're broke! No dinero! Nada!! But still seem to have plenty of money for gov't programs. Why does there seem to be a never ending line of people who are on programs to get money for doing nothing???? The more babies the more money!!?? I had an Arab guy here in DA HOOD married to a black woman tell me how smart he was by having more kids!!! I said only have as many kids as you can afford and he laughed at me (not picking on Arabs or blacks but just reporting what happened). I my self am a first generation American.

Meanwhile.....I'm in my little two bedroom condo that I paid off last year, a rented shop to do my car stuff and run a small nitch business that I started in the one car condo garage that's still plugging along nicely. If something happens I can work for the grocery store where I worked years ago or fixing cars as a shade tree mechanic or even McDonalds, but God help me I hope I never have to take unemployment.

Here's more food for thought -