Cash for clunkers, what a waste.

We better get used to socialiism, because it is on this administrations agenda. Call it what you want. We are losing our freedom everytime another bill is passed. Socialized medicine, cap and trade. If you ask me they like unemployment where it is or even higher, because it makes people more dependant on the government.
Next it will be new gun bans, tight regulations on ammo and they will soon be crushing our guns. Obama has already ordered the military to melt down their inventory of brass. This is why you can't find brass to reload. If you think this pisses you off because they are destroying these clunkers. Wait until they tell gun owners they have to hand over their ar-15s. Don't drink the koolaid.

Just heard one of the provisions in one of the many healthcare plans is for government to have unlimited access to you bank account. Put this together with all the "czars" who are unaccountable to anyone but the White House, the "snitch" program over the healthcare debate, and throw in a campaign statement that we "need" a citizens' police force answerable only to the White House (shades of the SS), bandy about the idea that lead should be banned and ammunition needs an 800% tax, mix in a DHS memo that got leaked that stated "right wing" groups (ie, those that don't have the same agenda as the White House) can be considered terrorists, and I'm starting to think that the Constitution is just a piece of paper and the Oath of Office is just hollow words to a certain sitting president. Anyone here ever read the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich?"