What tool do you hate the most?

I hate leaf blowers. My damn neighbor, who has a landscaper, seems to like walking around on saturdays with the damn thing screaming for at least 2 hours.

Your damn neighbor must have a brother, and that guy must be my neighbor. Frickin' dude spends hours out there, I think he`s hypnotised by the drone of the thing. Leaves are called leaves for a reason.......leave them be. :toothy10:

Well you're lucky you don't live on my street, we have a guy we call Felix (named after the clean freak from the odd couple show/movie) He cleans the entire street, top to bottom pretty much daily, it's about a 1/4 mile. He mows his lawn pretty much daily too, there isn't a leaf anywhere near his place. I do have a very clean street though :-D