Cash for clunkers, what a waste.

So much fear of Obama! So much hate! At least they are doing something but complain. All the Republicans can do is *****, but I hear none of them offer any answers. You may be right about these things and we will find out like we are finding out now how bad a mess George Left us in. At least give them a shot.
Sorry for getting political but I think the people that are buying cars where going to anyway and are not trading in thier classic mopars and I am never going to buy another new car so this has no effects on me. Trust me there will be no shortage of chinese rebuilt parts.

Yeah your right they're doing something. leaving our kids and unborn grandkids with 14 trillion in dept. Why do you need uncle SAM to take care of you? Are you not capable? Do you feel it's your right to free health care? or paying for this BS cash for clunkers that we are going to pay for weather you got your 4500 or not? You don't have a problem that we now have more czars under Obama than we have had presidents put together? Oh please don't report me to the Gov for this "FISHY" COMENT!