Cash for clunkers, what a waste.

So much fear of Obama! So much hate! At least they are doing something but complain. All the Republicans can do is *****, but I hear none of them offer any answers. You may be right about these things and we will find out like we are finding out now how bad a mess George Left us in. At least give them a shot.
Sorry for getting political but I think the people that are buying cars where going to anyway and are not trading in thier classic mopars and I am never going to buy another new car so this has no effects on me. Trust me there will be no shortage of chinese rebuilt parts.

This one I am very much going to disagree with. The economy started really taking a hit in '06 when a certain party took over Congress while the previous administration was calling for more regulations of Mae and Mac. (youtube the CSPAN videos of Waters, Dodd, and Frank screaming nothing was wrong.) As for all the Repubs can do is b**** when is the last time you heard the press actually look at any Repub plan and put it forth for the American people to read and understand? Facts: $1.7T in annual budget; $787B in "stimulus." (Now Biden has come out and said the stimulus is working but we might need another one. Really, if the first one is working, then why do we need another one?); $1T projected for nationalized healthcare; $4T for next years projected budget; $3B spent on this farce called CARS; unemployment expected to hi 10% nationally before the end of summer (and the stimulus is working?); unemployment is already 18% in certain areas of the country; the dollar has been devalued at 28% sense January 20th thanks to all the borrowing. While a campaign promise was made that only the rich would see a tax hike cap and trade is being put forth that would double energy costs on everyone affecting the poor and middle class the most (mine is $3000 a year, that goes to $6000 with half of that going to the government, what's yours?). Time to stop blaming the previous adminstration and start looking in the mirror. Please read previous post in thread for freedoms some are willing to give up for "change" and handouts.
Sorry, didn't mean to get really political on this, but the BS has to end, the rose colored glasses have to come off, and people need to see that the Germans got led like this, too.