Cash For Clunkers

ok ok I work for a Dodge dealer and we are getting these clunkers traded in.
Now.... for the record... there hasnt been any Hemis, magnums, or other engines as such traded in since 98% of those vehicles are still worth more then the trade in allotment. Now we have seen a fair share of crappy *** old Caravans that smoke more then the band members from Cinderella. We have had a few 90's chevy trucks and some other non-descipt junk traded out.
Yes. The motors must be seized. We have to drain the oil and dump in some
Sodium Silicate liquid. (Liquid Glass).... fire the vehicle up and it just quits in about 45 seconds.... no firing it up after that. The vehicles are bought by the yards for salvage titles. all but he powertrian is available for sell as "Parts only". So thats the scoop.

Does it suck ?? I think so. Its just a stepping stone that will eat us all. However I see one good thing about it. The crappy Caravan wont end up in the neighbors yard rotting for the next 30 years...

'nuff said before I rant.