PINKS 4 Wide Drag Racing? What Do You Think?

I could care less about pinks, but as far as 4 lane drag strips go I grew up at
one. N.Y National Speedway on Long Island had 4 lanes and would run class eliminations that way.

My wife's aunt & uncle live there... it's an old folks community now.

I remember when they were talking about building zMax, they said they were going with 4 lanes so there wouldn't be any issues during weekly racing or when the big guys came to town, in case somebody oiled a lane they could just move over to the other pair.

I haven't watched the Pinks show yet (have it on DVR) but the 4 lane racing is pretty damn cool. I remember seeing some pics and video of that from "back in the day" and always thought it was pretty slick. I wouldn't want to see if every week, though.

Overall I'm not too happy with the new All Out shows. At first it was pretty cool, but it's gone downhill ever since. I'm sure by next year it's gonna be close to regular bracket racing and nothing out of the ordinary.