PINKS 4 Wide Drag Racing? What Do You Think?

I finally watched the show (had it on DVR). The 4 lane racing was pretty cool, but it looked like the cars weren't matched up all that well. In previous episodes they would be be neck and neck all the way down the track, winning by a foot or two. This time some of the cars were way out in front of the others... Did they just pick a wide range of cars or did they try to group them close? Didn't seem like it.

And that new guy... the radio guy... is a tool.

Coming back from commercial each time they spent 3 minutes re-capping what we saw five minutes earlier. Why? Didn't they have enough footage to fill the hour?

The funny part was the guy in the tower was feeding Rich his lines. Plus the marks of the cars. Rich can't tell a Ford from a Chevy from a Mopar? C'mon...