***Challenger Stolen Of The Docks****


Here is a idea....how else can this great group of people help ?

How about (with permission of original poster) Everyone that reads this take pertainant information on it and post a ad on Craigslist that is something like

header: Stolen ! Dodge Challenger (year etc..) to get peoples attention

Body: put only the pertainant information...

Example : Stolen from _________________ on this date ____________
and a picture of the car.

and contact info. of the origianl poster.

Dude.... if we all did this in our city on craigslist... that car wont have a chance at staying stolen in the US.

Its up to Wedgie... but man... talk about coverage... we could do this...

any one ... any one ?

Wedgie... if you post the body of the "ad" we can all copy paste the info
right from here and snag the pic and make a ad in our cities and states.

Is it worth it ???? I think so !