eagles take on vick


These people are treated like gods with no accountability. I can forgive the occasional bar fight when some drunk comes up and tries to pick a fight, but murder, rape, drug dealing, gang banging, dog fighting, etc. These are nothing but thugs and losers with money, and to top it off, these are the people that our young children now idolize. The NFL, NBA and to a lesser extent, MLB has changed so much for the worse since I was a kid. It's almost taken all the joy out of watching professional sports. :blah5: The only major sport that's really not been as affected is the NHL. All that leaves for me is the Avalanche and the Blackhawks.

Sorry to burst your bubble, Ram, but not only does it involve the NHL, it's the Blackhawks.


And I do think that Vick should not be allowed back in the league. It's not like there's a shortage of players.