eagles take on vick

Reluctant to post here because Ive been along time Eagles fan. But I don't share your opinions. I like the move. He paid his debt and is still paying. What he did was wrong on so many levels. But he has done everything that has been asked of him. You never hear about Joe Schmo getting busted for dog fighting this reached national spotlight because who he was. I needed a second chance once and I'm glad I got it. I just hope he don't screw it up.

No you dont hear Joe Schmo because he is still in jail, lost his job and is labled as a felon. And if he served his time in jail he has to live with his actions the rest of his life. One of the biggest problems I see with is these young kids that think these players are mentors will think that these actions are ok. Its a shame that kids these days dont have parents to look at as mentors. My 2 cent