Schumacher /6 to V8 Conversion Kit Group buy!

Standby? What you waiting for??

Just talked to them.

O.k. Just send me a money order, I will collect them so then I can keep track of who's paid or who hasn't, or how many people we still need to get on board.

PayPal is fine, but make sure you add the extra fee that they charge. It a certain percent, I'm not sure what? I guess it's just me, I don't like giving extra money where I don't have to, but If you are comfortable with that, that is fine. I just looked as far as what I understand it will be an extra 2.9%
You can pay me at Pay Pal: [email protected]

When I send in the order, THEY WILL send direct from there warehouse.

On headers... The best they can do is a 10% discount on 10 or more.

All right the race is on! Is everyone on board?
Spread the word, it wouldn't hurt to sell a few more... if you don't have the money, ask mom! :)

mrtires24, your inbox if full. Let me know if your on board! Thanks!