Migraines and cluster headaches

I know where your coming from. I also went through a couple of yrs. enduring constant head pain and the Topamax did help but I had to take alot more than you. 200 mg. per day to quench mine. from what I've read you should be ok at 25 mg. per day. I didn't know how much you took and just wanted to warn you in case you didn't know the side effects. I never had a migraine until I was 35 either. It's been 10 yrs. now. I also had to have my elbows operated on (cubital tunnel syndrome) do to repetitive over use. I was a forklift mechanic for almost 15 yrs. so that took a toll on my small frame. Alot of heavy lifting and bending over. Climbing up on the mast and jumping down (that was my fault for taking shortcuts) wore the discs out in my back. Thank God my knees seem to be doing ok. At least my legs dont' give me any trouble. It's hard to be Christ like when you have to work with jerks like you described. We just have to keep trying and ask for forgiveness when we fall short. I know cause I've been there too.

Seems like we're coming from about the same place in life, then. A lot of occupational overuse on worn out bodies and heads which don't cooperate.