People knitpicking your car.

Gunna get a sign made that says, "No, it's not perfect. No, that's not factory. And no, I don't give a crap."

Dont worry... happens to everyone. Even me and my dad get it with the roadrunner. Everything on that car is factory or factory appearing except for the wheels and the exhaust. People still try to tell us that things didnt come on our car! That's what happens when everyone is an expert. And you know... our car is one of less than 250 the way its built, but it's amazing how everyone and their mother has had or known someone that has had "one just like that". I think by now we should know who owned every one of them :P

I think our last little "argument" was on whether the white stripes running down the side were factory. They were optional... and they came on my dads car originally. This guy didn't seem to get that.