WWII Pic of my Dad

The best thing to do in families with squabbles over photo ownership is to have them scanned to a computer; then, everyone could have a copy.

I agree, every one of the stories of our war veterans makes up a mosaic of the total experience. Record them before they become lost to the ages.

I had four uncles in WW II, one of whom was a tank driver in the Pacific. A great uncle was killed as a B-24 bombardier in Europe.

One of my neighbors was a B-17 pilot in Europe. He told a story of the formation flying through clouds before the target-area flak began while German fighters approached from behind. They exited a cloud and he looked out the left cockpit window to see a Bf-109 flying alongside straight and level. He yelled on the intercom for the gunners as he pulled out his .45 and emptied the magazine out the window toward the fighter. He said that the German pilot had been looking to his left and had not seen the bomber, but soon saw the huge plane, **** his pants, and dove away as the .50 cal tracers began appearing.