Sad times

I can tell you I've gone through something similar several times, moved from WI to CA in 91 and then left the SF area in 00 to move to Fresno so had to start all over meeting different people both time. Now don't get me wrong, I still keep in touch with the closest of my friends I grew up with and we get together every couple of years and exchange calls, emails and all that. Your closest friends will always be your friends no matter what, just in a different way. You'll be at their weedings and vise versa and all the other important events.

Now to get you out of the dumps, find the local cruise night or car hang out and start there. You can always find good people if you volunteer at any charity functions or start going to church, actually some cool people there too. There are other group functions to meet new people that you'll run across.

I was just thinking of the scene from Lethal Weapon 4 where Riggs was asking permission from his wife (at her grave) to marry the other cop and along comes Leo and he tells him the story about Froggy. In other words, make some new friends and you'll be fine.

Did I ramble?? Hey you didn't say where you are.