Sad times

Well, all I can say is it is a ruff time in life because everything is changing and rapidly. Days past in high school are now gone and many of the people I used to see on a daily bassis have disappeared into the world.

Don't worry about what you used to do and with whom. You were freinds then and theres no reason you shouldn't be freinds now and later. As of right now, everybody including you, yourself, are gearing up for big things to do in life. Getting smart in collage and getting ready for a carear in a feild to make lots-o-money that you will need for the future.

One way I was able to reconnect with old freinds was the then new computer with the then new websites like "" and now, facebook is the latest craze.

My wife joined facebook and leaves tid bit notes, like a twitter, and cyber meets with her old freinds on a daily bassis. While that is a far cry from the ol'days of hanging out at the park and havin a few late night beers, it's a bridge to help the gap seem smaller.

Remember, you and your freinds are involved in getting things done at school for the bigger picture. This is a very temp. thing for everyone. FOCUS! Get it done! Fun times will return, though they'll never be at the scale of when you were in school, they'll be better fun times and more intense since once your done and everybody has money to play with and play hard with unlike when you were in school, barley scraping by with a few bucks.

The few bucks you used to play with while you were in high school and just after will be "TIP" money you leave behind for the service at the bar.