paint booth

I've built a few home made booths in the last 30 years,considering some of them when I was young and foolish I'm probably lucky to be alive. The most simple yet safe is with the garage door about 1/3 of the way up with furnace filters filling the open space on the bottom. Use some clear poly to seal the upper part of the open door. Put a square house fan in the door or a good sized window at the front of the area to cause air to flow through the length of the bay. Make sure the compressor, furnace etc. are in the other bay(assuming a double garage). Divide the bays with a simple 2x4 wall (3'o.c.)sheeted with more clear poly to maximize light from 2nd bay. Be sure to back car out before starting and spray down walls and floor with water as well as ground in front of filters and filters themselves. I've turned out many dust free paint jobs with this type of setup at a very low cost. BTW you can make explosion proof style flourescent lights by using surface mount boxes with stick on foam weather strip and 1/8 plexi covers screwed on.
P.S. Do your painting very late at night if you have any neighbors you don't quite get along with LOL.