Brake problem?


I am leaning with the master cylinder diagnosis but the link that 6pk2goDemon posted :cheers: for your ABS system will help you isolate the problem for sure, great info there. It always feels good to me if I go through all the steps and know 100% what the cause is before I open my wallet.

A lot of brake problems are due to moisture in the system and a fluid flush is something most people never do. I think everyone should read that diagnostic page just for the info on brake fluid contamination.

When you change out the master, buy and use new bottle of fluid or an sealed one you already have. Never buy the econo size unless you do a lot of brake work or your going to flush your system and will need a lot. Brake fluid will go bad sitting on the shelf, once the seal is broken it will start to absorb moisture ever so slowly by the cap.
After 30+ years or wrenching I'm still learning too. :read2:
